A month full of encounters!

Dear parents,

The month of November was rich in events and meetings for the Federation. I started the month with the closing of the youth consultation, which aimed to gather the needs, ambitions and concerns of Quebec’s youth, with a view to developing the next youth action plan.
I was also at the inauguration of the Lab-École of Maskinongé, to see the innovations that the Lab-École team is proposing for our schools. It’s inspiring to see the results of the close collaboration among all the participants from the very beginning of a project, and the consideration for the needs of the community.
Members of our Federation’s team and executive committee took part in the Colloque sur le respect des droits des élèves HDAA, organized by the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse. To read a summary of the day’s proceedings, please refer to the text written by Annie Goudreau, Research and Parent Services Assistant.

I took part in the Colloque de la Fédération des centers de services scolaires du Québec and the Association des directions générales scolaires du Québec, on the theme of artificial intelligence. The theme was highly relevant, and I’m delighted to see school authorities getting together to discuss new technologies, which present both opportunities and risks for our youth and our network.
I also met the Minister of Education, Bernard Drainville. We talked about empowering parents, valuing their role, the anti-violence plan and our demands for amendments to the Education Act.

Our vice-president, Jérôme Maltais, attended the Bien manger à l’école forum, at the invitation of the chantier pour un programme d’alimentation scolaire universel au Québec (pasuq). The idea of this program is gaining ground thanks to motivated partners and a passionate spokesperson!
I attended the event of La voix des jeunes compte to support their demands to better protect the youth from sexual violence.
Taking part in all these meetings gives us the opportunity to learn and exchange information on topics of interest and concern to parents, as well as to create and maintain relationships with partners, all with the same goal in mind: to work together for the success and well-being of our youth.
This month of meetings came to an end with our first Hybrid General Council of the year! It was a pleasure to see so many delegates in attendance, and to exchange on issues close to the hearts of committed parents across Quebec.

Another event, however, marked the month for many parents in Quebec. The ongoing strike is affecting the daily lives of many families, and I am concerned about the repercussions of a prolonged break in educational services on students, particularly those already experiencing difficulties. I urge the parties to reach an agreement to end the strike and resume educational services.
I’d like to end on a positive note, as today, on the occasion of International Volunteer Day, we are launching the nominations for the 3rd edition of National Parental Involvement Week, an initiative of the FCPQ to recognize committed parents and their essential role in the school network. Parent committees and governing boards are invited to nominate committed parents from their school service center in one of four recognition categories. A great opportunity to support parent involvement!
I hope you enjoy the holidays with your family. See you in 2024!