Let’s protect ALL children

Dear parents,
I don’t know if you feel the same as I do, but it seems to me that the news continues to be bleak these days, whether in Quebec or elsewhere.
I was particularly saddened and touched that our youth’s discomfort with LGBTQ+ people is on the rise in our high schools. I participated in a press conference with GRIS Montréal, who collected this data, to issue a call to action to parents and all adults who work with youth, inviting them to promote openness, inclusion and respect to foster the well-being of children and a society where everyone has their place. All youth, regardless of their differences, have the right to learn and live in safe, welcoming environments where their well-being is a priority.

Today, the FCPQ, in partnership with the English Parents’ Committee Association, the Association pour la santé publique du Québec and the Réseau québécois pour la réussite éducative (RQRE), and under the supervision of Dr. Mélissa Généreux, is launching the second edition of the national survey on the wellbeing of families. Last year, no fewer than 14,000 parents took part, completing an online questionnaire to help us paint a portrait of the well-being of Quebec families, and thus promote the implementation of services that meet their needs. I invite all parents to take part again this year, so that we can get an up-to-date picture.
It’s no coincidence that we’re launching the survey a week before the Hooked on School Days (HSD), and in partnership with RQRE, which is leading this flagship event for the education network. Every year, the HSD is a resourcing week that gives us the opportunity to talk about success, perseverance and motivation in a collective way, and to remember that EVERYTHING in the education network must be done in the interest of students and their success.

Once again, I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that parents are essential partners in education. I encourage you to take your rightful place, whether in accompanying your child on their journey or in your involvement in school participation committees.
By the way, if you have any successful practices or success stories to highlight in your community or in your organizations, and you’d like to share them, please don’t hesitate to contact us. They could be turned into an Action Parents blog post!
Thank you all for your commitment, whatever it may be!
Mélanie Laviolette